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​Crossing Cinema: the Diary Film, the Essay Film, and the Voice of I

by Ming-Yu Lee

Design Consultant: Chi-Fai Wong

Published by Bookman Books, Ltd., 2022.

NTD: 400




ISBN: 9789574459742


This book focuses on the unique forms of expression in the diary film and the essay film, especially how authorship of filmmakers can be integrated in the voice-over as a narrative strategy in first-person cinema. The book is divided into two sections: the first section “essays” contains three chapters, and in these chapters I use films of Liu Na’Ou,
Hollis Frampton, Jonas Mekas, and José Luis Guerín as cases for filmic textual analyses, to discuss the issues of authorial presence, the voiceover narration, and audiovisual structure. In the second section “interviews”,
four important researchers and filmmakers contribute their thoughts and reflections on how the essay film and the diary film can be approached and understood.

Ming-Yu Lee is Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film at Shih Hsin University, Taiwan. He is the author and editor of Paysages du contresens (2010) and The Diary Film and Subjectivity of the Self: Taiwan– New York – Paris (2016). His papers were published in Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies, Wenshan Review of Literature and
Culture, Am Journal of Art and Media Studies, and La Valle dell’Eden: Semestrale di cinema e audiovisivi. He is an independent filmmaker, his film works were selected in international film festivals and museums, including Lausanne Underground Film and Music Festival, VIDEOFORMES, Festival Tous Courts, Taiwan Biennial, and Jeu de Paume. Correspondence has won the Underground Award in 2022 Liverpool Underground Film Festival.
He is also the curator of EX!T 7 – Filming in the Moment: the Diary Film Festival, EX!T 11 – Film Letter: Counterpoint and Echo, and EX!T 12 - My Own Private Mekas (Co-curated).


本書共分為兩個部分,第一部分「essays」包括三個章節,分別從劉吶鷗先生、Hollis Frampton、Jonas Mekas,以及José Luis Guerín的電影作品作為研究案例分析,來討論散文電影與日記電影中的作者、旁白運用,以及影音結構等重要議題。第二部分「interviews」專訪了四位散文電影與日記電影的研究學者及創作者,從創作者與理論研究的經驗及角度出發,筆者企圖能夠藉此而更加接近散文電影與日記電影的核心。


英國格拉斯哥大學電影博士。目前任教於世新大學廣播電視電影學系助理教授。主要研究專長包括日記電影、散文電影、電影理論、實驗電影研究與製作。著有《逆行風景》(逗點文創結社,2010)、《台灣、跨國與自我的主體:日記電影研究》(主編。恆河出版,2016)。學術論文發表於台灣《同心圓:文學與文化研究》(Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies)、《文山評論:文學與文化》(Wenshan Review of Literature and Culture)、AM Journal of Art and Media Studies實驗電影專刊、義大利La Valle dell’Eden: Semestrale di cinema e audiovisivi等學術期刊。


電影創作作品《回家》(2008)、《仍未到家》(2010)、《米勒日記》(2015-2019)及《通信 – 帶谷有理/李明宇》(2019-2021)等,入選瑞士洛桑地下電影音樂展、法國VIDEOFORMES、法國Festival Tous Courts、台灣美術雙年展、巴黎Jeu de Paume美術館等。《通信 – 帶谷有理/李明宇》獲得2022利物浦地下電影展最佳影片大獎(Underground Award)。


學術策展EX!T 7第七屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展「日常在當下:日記電影影展」策展人、EX!T 11第十一屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展「書信電影:對位與回音」策展人,以及EX!T 12第十二屆台灣國際實驗媒體藝術展「我親愛的米開斯」(協同策展人)。


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